Thread: Daiwa Steez EX
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Old 25-06-2012, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Bobby Bass View Post
Unfortunately we have very different opinions.

Nothing Unfortunate about that champ, Fishing is like that. Would never begrudge anyone from a fishing opinion as we constantly get thrown curve balls that blow our previous theories out the door. As I said earlier looks are subjective and I will reserve judgement until I see it in the flesh. Having said that looks would not be a decisive factor in my puchase (we are not comparing Pink Micras here). I like the magsealed roller bearing and the air rotor and the weight savings. But am reserved over the change in body material.
You provide plenty of good info and help on this site so keep it up, my comments were my opinion and absolutely no offence was intended.

Originally Posted by stella fella View Post
No offence meant to piscateur, but there is no escaping the laws of physics. The closer the balance point is to the reel seat, the lighter the reel needed to balance it out. Every thing else is dependant on where you hold the rod, and how big your hands are.
No offence taken or should be taken here mate. I could have explained myself better, instead of being lazy and relying on other to fill in the gaps thanks G.
There are two areas to address here.

Firstly, and is exactly what G elaborated, I use a Parkinsons retrieve for alot of my HB and SP fishing. A rod with the weight distribution wrong fatigues your arm much quicker. Take any one of the rods mentioned in the paragraph below and compare it with a GLX SR 842-2, with or without reel, do the parkinsons shimmy ie try to move the rod tip back and forth about 4 quickly until your arm tires. You will find you tire way quicker using any of the others and you probably tire the quickest with the lightest rod there.
There are other factors in play here as well but that's another essay all to do with slow/fast action.

Secondly try this at home, Hopefully you have one of these at your disposal Kirasame, Battler Limited Devel, Nitro 1-3kg 7 foot, all tip heavy rods. now put any high end finesse reel on them and hold it where you normally hold the rod. You will still find it tip heavy it may balance out with a 280-300 grm reel but that takes away the finess feel. I do understand the laws of physics (at an extremely basic level), but all I was trying to say albeit in as little words as possible was that, the position of the reel makes the differences of "finesse" reels weights, less influential in the balance of the outfit. A balanced outfit is not the be all and end all as most of the fishing I do is with the rod tip pointing down anyways.
This is not to say these rods are no good, I have the Devel and the nitro and believe they are awesome rods for various applications, Just didn't go the kirasame as it was too expensive. (Devel was bought second hand)

Originally Posted by kakaryan View Post
We should take balance point into account but also balancing torque.
A nice rod would feel good and light on hand no matter what reel you put on and where the balance point is. Those well designed long eging rods seldom have balance point close to grip but still feel good as the balancing torque is small. A tip heavy rod would still feel heavy even if you balance it with a heavy reel to make its balance point on the grip as the balancing torque is large.

Originally Posted by The G factor View Post
im pretty sure (knowing piscateur) that he is actually going beyond the simple idea of a balanced outfit, ie, rod and reel together, and is referring to the rod itself, which is why he said you need a light and well balanced rod. He didn't say a nice and well balanced outfit.

Logic behind this is, is some rods are naturally unbalanced and tip heavy regardless of what reel you put on. Yes you could put a 400gram reel on to balance the outfit, but the rod itself will always remain poorly balanced. This could be because of a variety of factors like the guides used, amount of epoxy, graphite distribution, grips, etc etc. You can feel a well balanced rod in your hand before it has the reel on it.

Piscateur isnt exactly silly enough to be saying that no matter what reel you put on an unbalanced rod it will always be an unbalanced outfit. Thats completely illogical because you can always add/reduce weight to give it a 50-50 weight distribution according to a certain pivot point on the grips, so its pretty obvious thats not what he was saying.

Feel free to say otherwise piscateur, but thats what I took from you post

Thanks G man, Exactly what I was saying but in a more eloquent, succint and comprehensible delivery.

Again the above is just my opinion based on my experiences. It does not diminish any other opposing opinion. Just an opinion that I choose to share be it right or wrong. You never learn anything from being right all the time. I'm on here for the learning.

Geez that took a while, RSI on both index fingers now thanks.
May all your evenings rise
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